You have to download the lastest version If you want to keep your saves you have to do other stuff.
I recommend you to just save over every slot in the new version and then copy the save folder from your oldest version and overwrite the new. (wont work if you dont do the first part.)
Im working on a new save system to avoid having to do this, but this is the only way right now to transfer the files from a older version
(Don't mind the dual monitors) I got the milking animation from the bridge guy, and now it's stuck on my screen forever, i can still move and use the minimap to navigate, the overworld works like normal, it doesn't play over fights. It doesn't go away when you restart the game.
Uhm... Just checked and yeah, this is a mess up on my part, not setting a Delete right, this will be fixed on the upcoming version, but for now I don't really have a solution for this one. you could reach me in discord and I could unstuck it perhaps if you give me your save.
fish quest, RP man quest on day 4 onwards (girl in front of 1E activates it) isekai (guy in front of ramen shop, I think at night, being time efficient on this quest also gets you the threesome) expansion is in the lab
on nanamis week right now and ive been bugged where as i cant go out on the second day because i forgot to buy stuff at the west side but when i tried going at the west side, there was no indicator on what to buy and after i went back to the east side, i saw a side quest to do like the demon queen event and the pond date and after those events i did, it teleported me back to the apartment and i cant do anything to skip the time and i cant work on the science work nanami has on her apartment plus it wont let me go out from the apartment and to make it worse i dont have any recent saves, the only recent saves i had is an hr ago. help.
yes i indeed used the bus, i saw a bystander saying smth about the bus and i got curious and so after the event i got softlocked.
is there anyway i could get my save back like restarting nanamis week? (plus i defeated the mayor before paying 20k, idk if that helps with the problem)
u get them through leveling up your work experience and by leveling it would unlock some stores you could work at (dk bout meat, honey and salmon) try going through everystore
The price in Steam will still be the same here, I'd like to expand beyond here and beyond this game, I will try to market more itch and my patreon and ask my community (When I'm back home) what could be good goals per Quantity of copies I sell here.
Echoes of the town has sold about 2.4k copies here, And I'd like more people to play it.
I went a bit offtopic but: In short feel free to contribute if you feel like it, I'll be doing my best for a while longer, I already have some major updates planned out.
Understood, just to know, is there a estimate date for steam release, bcs i can contribute but i really prefer to have games on steam. (Its like an addiction of mine)
whoa its been forever since I last saw this game. dang so much has changed, I'm really impressed and proud of how far its come. well done and good work :)
I'm trapped in nanami week, akemi got killed by truck god and i had to solo the final boss with nanami, now i cant get on the bus, i keep packing up, it's day 12, do you know what flag i should trigger
I can't get Nanami to help me with the mayor. She will come with me to the basement, I pick up the item in the room, but nothing happens after this point. I am not sure if I am missing something, but I seem to be hard stuck as I cannot beat the mayor without him blowing up. Any advice?
Is there a way to guard without attacking? Sometimes I just want to deliberately lose a fight but I keep killing them when I'm just trying to do nothing.
I found a bug, where if you're 3 days until the androids, and you kill the hobo target by the construction site, it warps you to the bar, cant talk to bar keep because it says 'I shouldn't work today' and you can't leave the bar beacause it says 'I should talk to the bartender first' lol
hi I am not sure how to procede past day 25 I have the informant quest and i think its blocking me from doing anything else but i dont understand what I am supposed to do
You need higher Innocence when talking to him, I assume I set it so the quest (A Switch) advances after talking with him with low innocence, making the quest not possible to complete, if so I will make it so increasing innocence again through the playthrough makes it possible to finish it
Talk to nanami day 16 onwards on the east side of the town, finish her quest then talk to her on the next day in front of the town hall, finish that up and you will unlock day 21 to 28, then theres an epilogue aka nanami week
I tried to beat this game before and getting cutscenes in the game to progress was pretty difficult. can you set up a map with waypoints, I get UI is a big issue but it would help insanely, like a pause menu with character sprit locations.
I'm already doing big changes to ui and the minimap is tracking almost all quest now (on the update I'm preparing) 2.4.2 has the minimap but it is not tracking quests on that version)
Patience is all I can ask for, I do work fast, but I'm just a man
hey i there a way to make infinite money before day 21? i've done it before in the coffee shop but idk if its still in the game still im finding it pretty hard to beat the depth collector
If you come from earlier version, lots of bugs and exploits have been patched, but you don't need to pay the dept entirely, and the story goes around that
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I've never updated a game from itch before, do I just need to download the new version or do I need to do more? will my save convert to the new one?
You have to download the lastest version
If you want to keep your saves you have to do other stuff.
I recommend you to just save over every slot in the new version and then copy the save folder from your oldest version and overwrite the
new. (wont work if you dont do the first part.)
Im working on a new save system to avoid having to do this, but this is the only way right now to transfer the files from a older version
for some reason the demo cant be installed i dont know why its happening cos i wanna play it
OS you using?
Are you extracting the folder?
im on windows 10 just using the download button on the app, for some reason it wont let me
Is there any way to just use cheats or console command money into the game. I have played every update
There will be a cheat terminal next patch
(Don't mind the dual monitors) I got the milking animation from the bridge guy, and now it's stuck on my screen forever, i can still move and use the minimap to navigate, the overworld works like normal, it doesn't play over fights. It doesn't go away when you restart the game.
Uhm... Just checked and yeah, this is a mess up on my part, not setting a Delete right, this will be fixed on the upcoming version, but for now I don't really have a solution for this one. you could reach me in discord and I could unstuck it perhaps if you give me your save.
How do you get some of the cutscenes in game?
Such as the Hotsprings, the Restroom scenes
And for Nanami Week the Isekai, Expansion and Threesome?
Ive been trying to find the events which cause them to actually happen in game but I can't seem to find them
fish quest, RP man quest on day 4 onwards (girl in front of 1E activates it)
isekai (guy in front of ramen shop, I think at night, being time efficient on this quest also gets you the threesome) expansion is in the lab
It sounds like you used the bus right?
the bus shouldnt be used in nanami week, it was my mistake to not disable it in this version
It is indeed a softlock, sorry.
yes i indeed used the bus, i saw a bystander saying smth about the bus and i got curious and so after the event i got softlocked.
is there anyway i could get my save back like restarting nanamis week? (plus i defeated the mayor before paying 20k, idk if that helps with the problem)
i wish there was. If i was home i would offer to unstuck your save, but im away for a while
aww mann its aightt, ill just grind it back though it might take a while
love the game btw, keep it up man!
How do I open the Stripclub and Manga Store?
And how do I obtain stuff like meat, honey and salmon?
u get them through leveling up your work experience and by leveling it would unlock some stores you could work at (dk bout meat, honey and salmon) try going through everystore
day 21 onwards and you can only enter by having your innocence lowered to a certain point,
Salmon you can get by fishing in the forest
Paid 9 dollars just to get absolutely rinsed EVERY enemy that you can possibly come across, like it's beyond frustrating after the 15th+ restart
boost and buy weapons and finnish side quest!
how do i beat a\2 he just two shots me
i hope the old pixel's style comeback soon cus im not really a fan of this new animations (im sorry Regretful Bliss if u the one who make it)
This isnt my game. I simply allowed Taizei to use Euphy for an event.
i see, so that mean the art style is changed by Taizei's idea. sorry if my words make any of you feel grumble
but still, im not enjoying the new animations scene
Is this goal for something related to steam release? Bcs if u release the game as EA on steam w the price betw 1-20$ ill be happy to pay.
The price in Steam will still be the same here, I'd like to expand beyond here and beyond this game, I will try to market more itch and my patreon and ask my community (When I'm back home) what could be good goals per Quantity of copies I sell here.
Echoes of the town has sold about 2.4k copies here, And I'd like more people to play it.
I went a bit offtopic but: In short feel free to contribute if you feel like it, I'll be doing my best for a while longer, I already have some major updates planned out.
Understood, just to know, is there a estimate date for steam release, bcs i can contribute but i really prefer to have games on steam. (Its like an addiction of mine)
make the demo playable with the app pls
The game has more files than what is allowed for itch io Browser play.
You could play it in newgrounds tho!
If that's the chase then I might try downloading it anyway. thank you
Hey there, how do I get the game for the ghost?
Store below the fountain
Are you planning on adding a choice to remove the censorship/blur?
It is planned in the future but not a priority rn
whoa its been forever since I last saw this game. dang so much has changed, I'm really impressed and proud of how far its come. well done and good work :)
Thank you so much,
It hasn't been that long tho, the game is about a year and 4 months oldI'll wait till it becomes free one day
I tend to give away keys in discord whenever I update, you could try
What keys? 🤔
Keys to your house. Obviously a key code to the game :D
I meant to ask where am I supposed to use those keys manigga? 💀
"What keys?" "I mEaNT To AsK whErE aM i SuPPosEd tO uSe ThOsE keYS".
You dumb as hell
how do i trigger the extra masa scenes
There's one in the bathroom, you have to complete all hangouts with him.
the one in the backyard is the same, and on the afternoon
and the third one requires, a thong, a drill, reading a H magazine (in your bookshelf(requires high lust) and having high lust
cant exit sewers via ladder lol im trapped
I fixed it in the newest version, sorry about that!
Also, check
If you have troubles getting your saves to work on newer versions
Motorcycle get stuck and can't interact if you get off neer by surtain terrain like street lamp.
It would be nice to add function like summon motorcycle when ever player need.
It does Exist, Use the bike keys
idk if it's a bug but enemies will never grab when "provoked" they only hit themselves to death
I second that, I can get the kappa horny but nothing more without it destroying itself
Need a difficulty setting, it's unrealistic to pass day 28
Try getting the Shrine quest weapons, they are op
cant progress through "Are we truly safe" quest? cant go to bed and cant work to pass time, already given them some stuff. bit confused plz help
Are we truly safe is a reminder as a quest, Im guessing you're stuck on day 25
Go to lab>back of uwus and then sewers
where are the sewers?
Front of the cinema, at the street
I reached what I think is the end and it says "i shouldnt go that way"
there was also nothing in the lab and nothing behind UWUs, maybe i missed a trigger or something
there're bug when u buy the CG 46 but it never appear in the gallery
Got it, Just checked it, and it is missing the Switch activation, Will patch this one and other 2 minor bugs soon
i wish there was some scene with the mayor
You and other people tooso you are a persona fan?
For some reason, I can't keep my saves in the game. Each time I leave the game, it deletes my progress. Is there a fix for this?
This sounds like you didn't decompress the zip file, let me know if this is the case,
Yup! That fixed it. Thanks!
I'm trapped in nanami week, akemi got killed by truck god and i had to solo the final boss with nanami, now i cant get on the bus, i keep packing up, it's day 12, do you know what flag i should trigger
Event should be triggered with Switch 1129 and using the computer on your room from day 5 to 6
But how did you past so many days on nanami week? I want to patch it
I can't get Nanami to help me with the mayor. She will come with me to the basement, I pick up the item in the room, but nothing happens after this point. I am not sure if I am missing something, but I seem to be hard stuck as I cannot beat the mayor without him blowing up. Any advice?
Patched it!
When can we expect a new update?
Is there a way to guard without attacking? Sometimes I just want to deliberately lose a fight but I keep killing them when I'm just trying to do nothing.
use the purple drink
Also, you're probably attacking because you have a weapon with a counter ability
Good to know about the counter ability! I sold my purple drink right away, which might have been a mistake.
I found a bug, where if you're 3 days until the androids, and you kill the hobo target by the construction site, it warps you to the bar, cant talk to bar keep because it says 'I shouldn't work today' and you can't leave the bar beacause it says 'I should talk to the bartender first' lol
Fixed for the next update
hi I am not sure how to procede past day 25 I have the informant quest and i think its blocking me from doing anything else but i dont understand what I am supposed to do
Lab>BEhind Uwu store>Finish the quest
The chances of this response being made 42 minutes ago as i'm actively stuck here... Thank you!
where do i view cg 48 and 44? i cannot find it in the cg viewer.
I can't for the life of me get the video game expert to talk to me. My innocence is 100 and he still won't acknowledge me.
did you first talk with the arcade owner? after you talk to him he sends you to the expert i the town hall
Yeah he just says "go away I have a status to keep" or something like that - The arcade owner says he can't do anything until the expert comes
You need higher Innocence when talking to him, I assume I set it so the quest (A Switch) advances after talking with him with low innocence, making the quest not possible to complete, if so I will make it so increasing innocence again through the playthrough makes it possible to finish it
i cant find 32,33,34 and 38 records in the shop how do i get them?
nanami week
how do I do that?
Talk to nanami day 16 onwards on the east side of the town, finish her quest then talk to her on the next day in front of the town hall, finish that up and you will unlock day 21 to 28, then theres an epilogue aka nanami week
ive finished the nanami week but i still cant get the records do i have to do something else?
I tried to beat this game before and getting cutscenes in the game to progress was pretty difficult. can you set up a map with waypoints, I get UI is a big issue but it would help insanely, like a pause menu with character sprit locations.
I'm already doing big changes to ui and the minimap is tracking almost all quest now (on the update I'm preparing)
2.4.2 has the minimap but it is not tracking quests on that version)
Patience is all I can ask for, I do work fast, but I'm just a man
Hey I appreciate it, take your time brobro.
hey i there a way to make infinite money before day 21? i've done it before in the coffee shop but idk if its still in the game still im finding it pretty hard to beat the depth collector
If you come from earlier version, lots of bugs and exploits have been patched, but you don't need to pay the dept entirely, and the story goes around that
yea i know i can fight him rather than paying but i can't make enough money to get good guns and armor to beat him
how do i get more characters on my team?
go past day 21, they join only on certain events or past day 21 if you use the cellphone
i cant found the CG38
Correct me if im wrong that one is not in the shop right? You can find that one on nanami Week by losing to the gang members
but how can i buy it? and the bathtub scene also
Not possible to buy it on this version sadly, I will add it on next update
Pray to the gods
offear and hungerin the shrine