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Running into an issue where whenever I do the android woman’s fight, (no matter if I win or lose)

It gives me a gameover and sends me back to the title screen. Effectively softlocking my newest save file after patch

are you on 1.8.4? I think I parched it in 1.8.5

but If it is the problem I think it is, Akemi must survive to avoid Game Over screen

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I'm assuming it was on my end, and am glad to see all the recent activity here.
Keep up the good work!

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nah, It was my fault I messed up and added ADD DEATH rather than REMOVE, I never imagined I would make such stupid error. I already fixed it

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Why can't I sleep on day 21? I already paid the 20000

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after you pay 20k he makes you an ultimatum to pay everything up by 21, naturally you don't have the money, you have 2 routes, you must talk to nanami and do a quest with her (she will be in the east distric)  from day 16 onwards. or you can go and deny to pay him twice and it gives you a fight with a bad ending

If I talk to nanami at night 21 will I not be able to meet her anymore?does that mean I won't be able to finish the game?

I think you should be able to do her quest and talk to her after that (In front of the town hall) in day 21, let me know If I'm mistaken

She disappears after I talk to her and doesn't tell me anything else. Is she supposed to go somewhere after talking to her Infront of the town hall?

Did you finish her quest in the east side distric?
it is a requirement, if you haven't done it, she will not cooperate

Where do you find the gangster at the 1e store? I cant finish the first bar quest

1st time back of uwus, 2nd around 1E and 3th on the bridge
What happened on the first bar quest?

I went to the bar and the bartender said to take care of the gangster at the 1E store but I could never find him. Also where is the Uwus?

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Oh, the gangster is around/ behind the bus. Uwus is the convenience store in the east zone

Thank you so much I found it!

I'm actually stupid how do you lower innocence

Through unethical options, being defeated by certain enemies, 
H magazines should lower in the next version I'm doing

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Loving the new update, but where can i view the CGs Cant find them in the shop or are they story/ quest exclusive?

Oh, there's some that are not implemented yet as of rn, they even have the files, just not accessible till a future update.

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On day 22 after talking to Nanami, she tells you to speak to Masa. If the ghost girl fight isn't completed, he'll be waiting outside of the abandoned house. Upon completing that he simply doesn't seem to pop up where I used to find him.
(Might be because I got to the end on day 17?)
That and I'm confused on how to open the stripclub/work there, otherwise an amazing update


Strip club should be open at night after day 21 

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It still is giving me the same message of
"It's closed, not that I'd want to enter anyway."
So I'm assuming it must just be a lower innocence thing then lol
(Update, lowered my innocence to 40 and it now just says closed at night. I think I skipped the trigger by beating the game on Day 17, as it skipped to 22)


No, the 17 to day 22 skip shouldn't be it, let me check real quick and update it


Just checked it, it was a faulty switch requirement, I will fix it and reupload soon

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With the robot at the shrine, if you win but Akemi faints you get the cutscene and then an immediate gameover (it autosaves at the cutscene as well, looping the game over if you continue from the autosave load)
That and it's possible to exit the abandoned mansion mid quest but not to reenter it

Cool looking game however when If i purchase it will i also get any future builds?

Of course!


Excited for the upcoming update, hope everything is going well!


Thanks! Everything going well so far


this game is one of my favorite games the story is great and the MC is attractive. Will there be anal creampies form a similar angle to the public toilet event? thank you for making this game.


Thanks, glad you like it. I don't have an anal creampie planned but it is worth taking in consideration, probably even as a variant to one scene!
I have the rest of H scenes planned already, including a new zone, the strp club and some other stuff coming in 1.7 

Awesome, I can't wait.


I think the player experience would improve greatly if you added a quest system for the quests, (preferably with hints or even a mini map), and being able to fast travel; checking every location every day to see if there's something new to do can be a little frustrating


Your post was flagged idk why, but yes, Quest Journal is a new feature in 1.6 (coming soon, Still hard testing it) I've been thinking of doing a map witrh interest points but still don't know how I would implement it


It was probably flagged since this was the first time I wrote a comment, but it's nice to hear that a quest journal is being added, good luck!

Any thought about android port?

When I'm done with the major 2 updates I'm doing I probably will try to create a port for android.
Wouldn't get my hopes high but yeah, there's the possibility 

I've found how to get every scene so far aside from the public toilet one, any tips on how it triggers?

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Sorry for the delay, If I remember correctly, you run from the first battle, or lose to it. you report it to the police  you get R again and after that he basically gives you options. (Sorry I don't remember it specifically but it is something like that) I will probably edit soon or reply to this, since I'm going through all quest to add the new quest journal system.

Edit> You need to run from the first time you encounter him and report him *same npc that gives the hobo quest* and if you get defeated after going back again, you get it


It says here that the game is Released, but from what I read in the comments, you are still working on the game, change the status to in development.

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The game was gonna be way less that what people are getting . I went full tism mode and expanded it, and I am still expanding and adding content, thats why it is 1.5.3. You can play the game from start to finish

Priority right now are adding more scenes and quests to the east side, some animations FXs,  more rewards for finishing quests (so even if you're a gobling hoarder you dont get rolled by the main questline).

I'm planning something big for next year. but for now If I'm not overstimating what I can accomplish 1.6 should be up by the end of this month or staring december


Thank you very much for your hard work man


Game has a really flashy and unique aesthetic that I love, and the dev seems like a cool guy who just wants to make good quality hentai. Highly recommend supporting this, even if the game's not quite finished yet.


I really like the art style of this game!
What would make this game better in my opinion would be a quest log, where essential information is being kept.


Hello, I would like to buy but I didn't like playing the demo. So I ask some questions.(Didn't see FAQ on Discord Server)

-I buy only 1 time yes?
-How long do you plan to keep working on this game? I find this promising.
-The game ends after a certain day? No free-play?
-Saves will carry over?
-There will be no game-over/defeat CG yes? I find those annoying to get
- (not a question) I hope you do decide on uncensor; I would even buy the game now to help this decision.

The game looks very good. So I am still interested!


1.- Yeah.
2.-I will keep working on this till april next year. (there's 2 big updates planned)
3.-If you're lower than 40 Innocence by day 21 you cannot unlock 7 more days and east side currently. Currently I've been thinking of free play but not sure If I will ever add it.

4.-there is Defeat CG for certain bosses, I think I might add a heart icon to the enemy when they do have Defeat events. (if you played the demo, I think there's the defeat in the drug quest, Ghost quest and the arcade boss
5.- I've been thinking of it, but currently is not my priority, I'm working everyday on the new content Im preparing

Anyways! thanks for even considering buying it, I will keep working hard on it.

Currently doing, more sprites for akemi, there will be an annoucement soon

All JP Ver. are censored?

just bought it on dlsite...

All versions are censored currently, I might release a uncensor patch for EN users, but it will have to wait for now.

will this be out for Mac

I mean, I could try to make the build but, I cannot test it, Will make one later today when I'm done cooking 


if needed I could always try to test it out but its your call

Sorry I forgot... I already updated Demo page with a demo build for macOS and this page with MacOS build, 
If you test the demo, and everything works fine then the macOS build in this page [SHOULD] work.
If it doesn't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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1.5.1 is coming out along with a new demo(since it is awfully outdated). I solved more bugs and a softlock I found out in day 21.

Will probably set a new page for the demo so I leave this one entirely for current and older builds.

For 1.6 I planning top do more content on the east side of the Town, probably will take a while.

1.4.1 As expected is broken beyond comprehention, I will release a hotfix later today, It will include fixes for other quest a quality changes, I'm hard testing beyond day 22 to fix everything

Have a bug at day 21. Can't go to sleep.Also i am stuck in the bedroom. I have low innocence (19).

day 21 is the last day of the game, actually but let me check further anyways, I always had in my mind what would happen if you reach the night in the last day, since the the mayor isn't accesible at night...

Anyways, thanks for playing, I will check throughly and release a fix on the next version, It will also include a new zone(really big) and new scenes


Thanks for the fast reply.Good to know.I am excited for the new content. Is the mayor the final boss or something? Do i need all equipment maxed out to beat him?

ideally, you have to be good equipped, if you made it to a certain point and on true ending route you will receive help but you can beat him without being all maxed out

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are the h scences repeatable?


You can buy CG records at the mall, you can also collect then all and get a reward.
You can access the CG viewer in your pc

I love this game 😍

Thanks! I would really appretiate if you rate it, other than that I'm taking a small break and then get to do more H scenes and more places.

priority right now is the NPC update.

Updating to 1.1.4
It is a hotfix. You should skip right from 1.1.0 to 1.1.4
1.1.0 broked a lot of things.


UPDATE: This game has amazing potential! The animations are great, the scenery is appealing with the music to match. The story is also a nice catch. I unfortunately got a bug at some point that didn't allow me to progress any missions past day 15. It is also a bit difficult to see if your making progress with certain objectives without any way of tracking it(sat and killed liked 30 hybrids with no progress). As well as majority of the npc's looking the same. Though for a game that is at starting development  I can easily say it's money well spent. I definitely hope to see it's progression and recommend! 

thanks for your input, what bug did you get in day 15 If I might ask? I should be able to patch it to the new version coming

as It is day 15 may it be the beach quest?


I was actually able to get through the beach quest. I am unsure which quest became the bug that didn't allow me to progress however I can say that it was the most apparent by day 15. By then I was unable to make anyone new progress for the following missions.

  1. Sent out to kill the hobos( found the first at construction site but never found another nor got new info)
  2. Arcade Crane Machine( though I feel that one may not have an animation yet)
  3. Killing the hybrid animals(went back on multiple days to kill them and never saw progress)
  4. The park dangerous at night/ public bathroom (Never saw the start of them unless it happens at some point after day 15)
  5. The Main story ( Was unable to pay the mayor between the 15-19 and went to day 20 without him doing anything and saying I still needed to pay between those days) 
  6. The other girl for the story was also standing outside of town hall between 17-19 but interacting with her would lead to you character turning temporarily invisible.

Almost all the other missions before that I was able to complete with no issue and nothing else showed major problems. The UI is fluid and the fights went well without any bugs or glitches. Though hopefully this list might give you some ideas!

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Oh, The hobo quest I think I solved it in 1.0.3 but waited for 1.0.4 to update.
Crane are not accessible yet, I forgot to take off the balloons.
Park: I messed up a switch, the character that does give the quest tho, is a male near the 1 shop. Will try to update today.
Main quest: Probably a miss typo, I thing I set it to be from 16 or 17 onwards because there's a main story event these days.
nanami talk bug> Thank you I found the problem and solved it, it was only activating on being <40 innocence!
Hybrid quest also fixed!

Thank you so much for this input! already solved many things with this.

Also sorry for the late response I wanted to play the game as promised then fell asleep the second after I sent the comment :

Don't worry! you're helping me a lot actually!

I'm glad to Hear it! I am currently learning both coding and animation for my career so I have been playing a lot of indie games to see different approaches. And I will say that yours so far has been among the best! so hopefully I can continue to offer my support :) Do you have Discord? I could definitely add you. Plus I feel that's better than filling up your comments thread with possible spoilers lo

Found the problem with the mayor, I messed a Switch upon sleeping from 14 to 15, therefore Basically killing all low innocence runs. My bad. Will fix it asap

For anybody wondering! I'll be preparing a demo(limited to day 4-5 ish ) and just about 3 - 5 Hscenes. But for now I'm doing everything I can to translate from EN to JAP.

Priority right now
>Demo and trailer
>Bug fixing and some clipping.
>More content

Translation shouldn't take me long tho.

And thanks to all who bought the game, I'll do my best to update when I get the chance!


Thanks again for supporting me, I'll do my best

I feel like I found a gem before it becomes popular lmao. Gonna buy it tonight and see how great it is XD

Thank you so much!

Ask me anything If you like to know more!
I'll be here to help!

Will there be impreg?

...or a walkthrough?

it is only 28 days, no impreg on gameplay but there's actually an scene I just implemented for upcoming update as an variant ending option.

I have thought of it but, I'm working hard on other stuff, so for now it is not a priority

impreg as an ending is fine!

I do hope you’re eventually able to do a walkthrough. Good luck on your other stuff, but is a walkthrough within a year possible?

yeah, actually very likely it will become a priority anytime in that time frame

Awesome! I bought the game but a lack of a walkthrough when there’s so much to do has made me hesitant to continue lmao. I’m very much the sort of person who’s nervous to play anything with missables without a guide.

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